
Babyface-流行音樂界最炙手可熱的天王詞曲創作與製作人兼歌手,其在短短的數年內,便已為自己與其他藝人共造 就了115首流行與R&B榜的暢銷曲,其中含括了115首R&B 榜Top 10、50首流行榜Top 10 ,以及16首的流行榜冠軍 曲,同時,他亦已贏得了九座葛萊美音樂獎 的肯定與榮耀。 在與Babyface所合作過的藝人名單中,雖觸目所及的盡是些樂壇最赫赫有名的頂尖人物,包括了Michael Jackson, Mariah Carey, Celine Dion,Whitney Houston,Madonna,Boyz II Men,Eric Clapton 以及Toni Braxton< 等,但其中也不乏一些當紅藝人團體是由他一手所捧紅的,這些原就具備潛力與實力的藝人們,有些是初出茅廬毫無 背景可言(如:TLC,Jon. B,Pebbles,Toni Braxton、Karyn White, Paula Abdul ,以及Babyface兄長所組的 樂團 After 7 )、或是面臨瓶頸轉型的關鍵時機(如:Whitney Houston,SheenaEaston TheWhispers)、或是 脫隊自立門戶之初變數難料(如:Bobby Brown, Johnny Gill),卻都因受到Babyface賞識,經由他參與專輯作品 的創作、製作或兩者兼具,且在他的金字招牌背書與力薦下,一舉成名為樂壇的新生代巨星或穩下其既有之江山!截 至1996年,他所經手過的單曲與專輯在全球銷售已分別創下了2600萬與7200萬張的驚人紀錄了,就連專業音樂雜 誌界的龍頭老大"滾石雜誌"都尊稱他為"音樂界最具可能性的最佳詞曲作家兼製作人"! 本名為Kenneth Edmonds的Babyface,1959年4月10日出生於美國印第安那州的首府Indianapolis市,是家中的六 兄弟之一。Babyface在六年級時首次有了表演經驗,是參與他兄長Melvin的樂團在高中舞會上的演出,七年級時譜 寫出他生平的第一首歌曲,之後又陸續加入好些 個校際R&B樂團擔任主唱與吉他手(現今的他亦精擅於鍵盤樂器), 在升上高中前,Babyface便已開始在中西部各地的俱樂部以及飯店大廳內做表演。
So you never meant to hurt nobody.
Well, I think you're full of it, yes,
Cause if you really really didn't wanna hurt nobody,
You wouldn't have slept with my best friend, baby.
And to bring insult to my injury,
You weren't a bit discreet,
And while the world stood witness,
To my embarassment.
You put a knife inside of me.
How could you fall in love with him?
How could you give your heart to him?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers,
Together til the end.
How could you fall?
Fall in love, with him?
I know we've had our ups and downs,
And that I do admit, yes,
But sometimes lovers go astray,
But you made it permanent.
Well, I can't be that understanding, no.
My heart's just not that big, no it ain't.
I can take the pain of infidelity,
But I can't take you with him.
How could you fall in love with him?
How could you give your heart to him?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers,
Together til the end.
How could you fall?
Fall in love, with him?
Thought we'd grow old, as lovers,
Together til the end.
How could you fall?
Fall in love, with him?
本文轉錄自龍捲風工作室 好歌推薦區

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